Benefits and Uses of CBD Vape Pen: Uses, health benefits, and risks
CBD vape pens are small portable devices that vaporize CBD concentrates, including oils and e-liquids. CBD and THC are the most popular of the over 109 cannabinoids. Researchers have identified both cannabinoids to have many potential health and wellness benefits to humans. Unlike THC, the production, ownership, and usage of CBD are widely legalized. CBD can give you several benefits when you ingest it and not intoxicate you. On the contrary, ingesting high levels of THC is highly intoxicating.
What are the uses of a CBD vape pen?
CBD vape pens are perhaps the most efficient way to ingest CBD. They exist in two distinct varieties:
Pre-filled CBD vape pens - (they come pre-filled with the CBD vape juice)
Refillable CBD vape pens - (they are easy to refill and reuse severally)
A CBD vape pen has three main components:
A heating chamber/ cartridge/ tank - holds up the CBD e-liquid or vape oil being vaporized. It also houses the atomizer/ coil which heats up and vaporizes the CBD concentrate.
A battery - provides the power that the atomizer needs to vaporize the CBD vape juice.
Mouthpiece - enables you to efficiently tap the vapor, enriched with CBD, coming out of the vape pen.
What are the health benefits of using a CBD vape pen?
According to several studies, using CBD vape pens can benefit you in many ways including:
Pain relief, including chronic pain, arthritis, multiple sclerosis (MS), and fibromyalgia.
Reduce anxiety and depression.
Alleviate symptoms related to cancer.
Help with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms.
Help treat insomnia/ sleep disorder and improve the quality of sleep.
Reducing the number of seizures in people with epilepsy.
Help treat Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
Scientifically, CBD and other cannabinoids are known to have to interact with cannabinoid receptors which form part of the endocannabinoid system. This interaction produces several benefits that are linked with these cannabinoids.
Compared to the other ways of taking CBD, including edibles, capsules, and tinctures, CBD vape pens alongside are the fastest way to get the benefits. The vapor you inhale is fastly absorbed into your system via the lungs and it does not have to go through the whole digestion process.
CBD vape pens get the nod over smoking because:
They are discreet - (the vapor produced out of a CBD vape pen is not smelly; thus, you can use the devices without being a bother to others. They are also small and portable devices that you can use without getting noticed).
They are safer - (Unlike CBD vape pens, Smoking releases harmful/ toxic substances such as carbon monoxide which you can inhale)
They give you total control - (with a CBD vape pen you can dial your most ideal hit/ draw as they feature variable voltage/ temperature settings and adjustable airflow systems. You can also easily know your dosage on these vape devices.)
Does the usage of CBD vape pens have any risks?
CBD reacts differently to many people. For some people it can cause negative side effects, while it may not have any side effects in others.
For starters, you should begin with very small CBD doses and hits out of your vape as you progressively monitor how vaping the cannabinoid affects you. If you don’t feel any side effects or they are too mild, then you can consider increasing the size of your hits.
CBD can also react with certain medications. Therefore, before you start using a CBD vape pen you should seek the guidance of your doctor.
Some of the side effects that have been recorded in some CBD vape pen users include:
Changes in appetite and weight.
Before buying a CBD vape pen, you should try to research the history of the brand, through testimonials and reviews. Find one whose reputation is perfect for you.
Key Takeaway.
Most CBD products, including the e-liquid and vape oil found in vape pens, do not have FDA approval. Nevertheless, some CBD vape pen brands do safety and quality tests on each batch of their products. These tests are independently done by third-party labs, which are unbiased and certified to international standards such as ISO.
The test reports/ results are then made available for the customers. Before using or buying a CBD vape pen you should check out the third party lab test report for your batch. Try to study each constituent of the vape oil/ e-liquid in the vape pen and determine how beneficial/ harmful it is.
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